Approve an invoice - invoice approvers only

This video is for users who can only approve, but not edit, invoices, within an invoice multi-approval workflow.

As an invoice approver, you will receive daily LeapAP emails for all invoices awaiting your approval. Simply use the links in each email to quickly open the relevant invoices.

Alternatively, to see a list of all such invoices:

  • Click on Invoices in the top navigation bar
  • Select My Invoices Pending Approval

From here you can choose an invoice to approve by clicking on the magnifying glass.

Once in a specific invoice, you can view all of the relevant details of the invoice on the left and view the actual invoice on the right. You can also see the full history of activity on this invoice as well as any internal comments in the tabs at the bottom of the screen.

To approve the invoice, just click on Approve!

If you have questions or comments, you can use the Comments tab at the bottom. We recommend tagging applicable users by typing the "@" symbol, start typing the persons name, and select their user from the list.