Edit an exported invoice

How to revise an invoice in "Exported" status for management company users

This process will differ depending on your accounting system. 

Yardi Voyager and Appfolio

As your accounting system does not support editing exported invoices, we offer the following workaround:

  1. Delete the invoice in your accounting system.
  2. Have a user with the ForceEditPayable role (granted by Admin user with CreateUser role) edit the invoice and click "Force Edit". The invoice will then need to be re-approved, and will be re-exported to your accounting system on the next accounting sync. 

All Other Accounting Systems

Your accounting system supports editing exported invoices. Simply edit the exported invoice in LeapAP and click "Save". The invoice will need to be re-approved - once Approved, the changes will take effect on the next sync and the invoice will be in Exported status again.