Handling expired credit card payments

How to re-send expired credit card payments, either as a card again or as another method

This article applies to US payments only.

US credit card payments cannot be reissued, so the re-issue button is not available for them in any case.

If a card expires (presently 45 days after the date that the initial remittance email was sent to the vendor), you can send the vendor a card payment again or you can send the vendor a payment via cheque or ACH.

  • Click on Payments in the top navigation bar
  • Select All and find the the Payment to be reissued. Click on the magnifying glass.
  • Ensure that the Status of the payment is Failed and the External Status of the payment shows Expired. Do not proceed otherwise.
    • Expired cards results in funds being returned via ACH credit to the original source/funding bank account and the LeapAP payments being marked as Failed
  • Verify that funds were returned to the original source/funding bank account. This may only happen 1-2 business days after the card expires, rather than immediately when the status changes.
  • Delete the original payment from your accounting system (to avoid a sync error when LeapAP subsequently tries to record the new payment)
  • Remove the invoice(s) from the LeapAP payment using the Remove button
  • Create a new payment
    • If the vendor's payment method is still card, a card payment will be created again. If this is undesirable, you can use the payment method override to create a payment using a different method.
  • If applicable, have the payment approved
  • Complete the Payment Release steps as normal