Register a new vendor

If a vendor is already registered with LeapAP, you can add them to a property quickly. Refer to Add a vendor for more details.

There are two methods to add a new vendor: by inviting the vendor to register themselves (recommended) or by the management company registering the vendor.

LeapAP provides an email template to make vendor self-registration fast and easy. To invite a vendor to register:

  • Click on Vendors in the top navigation bar
  • Select Invite in the drop-down menu
  • Select the relevant property from the drop-down options under Client
  • A suggested email template will appear with the property name and a unique link for the vendor to register for the specific property 
  • Click the copy icon to copy the template email to your clipboard
  • Send this email to all vendors for this property
  • Each vendor will be prompted to complete the registration by:
    • Filling in name and contact information
    • Adding in workers' compensation and liability insurance details (optional)
    • Certifying that they agree to a set of customizable terms and conditions
  • If the vendor is already registered for LeapAP, they will have the option to simply add this property to their profile without completing the registration form

Alternatively, you can also register a new vendor manually:

  • Click on Vendors in the top navigation bar
  • Select Add Vendor in the drop-down menu
  • Select the relevant property from the drop-down options under Client
  • Click on the Vendor not listed link
  • Click on the button for the type of vendor you would like to register (Regular Vendor, Individual PayeeRegular Vendor (tax non-registrant)Utility)
    • To create a vendor without a GST/HST number, please select either Individual Payee or the tax non-registrant option. 
  • Enter all the relevant information and click Create

    Submitting a new utility vendor will notify the LeapAP support team, who will create the vendor shortly.