Track submitted invoices

You can see all invoices that you've submitted in the LeapAP vendor portal.

  • Click on Invoices in the top navigation bar
  • Select All in the drop-down menu

Here you can view and track all invoices submitted and sort or search by Client, Created Date, Status, Invoice Date, Invoice Number, and Invoice Amount.

Invoices can be in any of the following statuses:

  • New or Pending Approval - the client has received the invoice and it is awaiting approval 
  • Pending on Vendor - the client has requested clarification on the invoice, please refer to the LeapAP email you received to update the invoice
  • Approved or Exported - the invoice has been approved
  • Rejected - the invoice has been rejected, please refer to the LeapAP email you received for additional details
  • Pending Internal Update - the client has encountered a problem and is resolving it internally, this does not usually involve the vendor

If you'd like to know more about the status of your payments, you can learn how to do so here: Track submitted payments.